Celebrating my 1st Private Women's Happy Hour at my Art Gallery!
Updated: Aug 23, 2023
On the evening of Thursday, May 18th, I hosted my very first Lady's Only Private Happy Hour at my Art Studio + Gallery on Thornton Road! I invited my badass group friends and encouraged them to bring a guest or two along.
Check out the fun Reel we made of the event! This will give you a good idea of the vibes we have going on!
These gatherings were birthed from a deep desire to connect the many inspiring women I come across through my art. Whether a client, close friend or acquaintance, I want to get to know you better while also connecting you to my network. There is no better time in history for us as women to unite.
These EVENTS, first and foremost, are About the ART. It's what I love, it's who I am, it's the reason that I wake up every day and why I have pursued this craft for almost a full decade. I love making something beautiful that brings others joy, peace and happiness. I love how much art contributes to a room and makes it complete. If I can be a part of that for someone, my heart is full.
Not only are these Gallery Happy Hours meant for supporting local art, but it's for community, connection, and empowering women. I see how talented we are, I see how hard we work, I see how competent we are, AND I SEE how when we get together, WE GET SHIT DONE!!!
This is why I wanted to facilitate a space to connect, collaborate, and make things happen. The more that we lift one another up, the more opportunities we give to ourselves, each other, our daughters and our grand daughters.
Let me give you some statistics from theNational Museum of Women in the Arts that prove, especially in the arts, how unequal women are seen and represented as....
1. Only 13.7% of living artists represented by galleries in Europe and North America are women.
2. Just 11% of all acquisitions and 14% of exhibitions at 26 prominent US museums over the past decade were work by female artists.
3. Women earn 70% of Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees in the US, though only 46% of working artists (across all arts disciplines) are women.
I know these stats and it still shocks me every time I see them. My mission is to move these numbers in the right direction towards EQUALITY! I created these Happy Hours to be a supportive environment for women to network, uplift each other and the support the arts.
I'm so excited about launching this series of "Happy Hour Gatherings" showcasing my art as well using the space to amplify other fantastic artists in the community. A testament to a rising tide lifts all boats.
Each happy hour will feature a different artist at the gathering giving the community an opportunity to discover fresh talent that may not have other wise have been given a platform to showcase their work. I love to discover hidden gems and share them with the world; I am an avid promoter of the things I love, so it's only natural that this has developed in my art career.
There is a great difference between my Private & Public events, and the intimacy of private happy hours. The guest list of 15-20 is intentionally curated and the event includes Name Tags, Introductions, Ice Breakers, and Artist Talks all while enjoying the Art + mingling. Meet someone amazing and then oh darn, forgot to get contact info, relax, we've got you covered!
At the end of each gathering an email will follow with each of the women who attended's name, email and occupation. We want to connect you to the art and each other!
With the specific laid out guest-list, I was able to chat with everyone without feeling too overwhelmed as I want to connect with each person. Talking in detail about the intention, creation process, and meaning behind my Original Paintings to each individual was exhilarating and truly allows for the guests to connect further with each piece.
I would love to include you at my next private event! Email me directly at art@julieahmad.com. Please include your name, occupation & title, as well as why you would like to attend the event. :) We welcome all female and female identifying individuals.
S O L D ! ! !
'I am Anything' is officially going home to Austin icon, Stephanie Boone, owner & CEO of Wondercide!! A true champion of change and collector of original, local art! This boss lady truly walks the walk in supporting women. I am so grateful that she attended my first private happy hour!
She had never seen this piece in person until this event and once she saw it, she was instantly drawn to the painting. These happy hours are not only a great way to connect with other badass women in Austin, but a fantastic opportunity to have a personal connection & experience with the art.
Absolutely adore all of the ladies that attended my first gathering! Such incredible energy from these inspiring women!