Backstory on the origin of this collection...
Since the start of 2023, I have found myself stuck in a rut. As a mother of two, I am dependent on outside help to fill in so that I am able to carve out time to be creative + run my art business. Balance is vital for the creative process and for me to be the best version of myself for my family and my overall well-being. Finding reliable childcare in Austin is like finding a needle in a mountain-size haystack in the Swiss Alps... Dramatic? You might say "well, yes of course," but ask any parent here in Austin and they'll tell you the same. The time spent seeking help and making up for the lack thereof has demanded more of myself than I can handle in a healthy manner.

Simultaneously, I was on a journey to invest in myself. I was seeking a seasoned therapist to support a personal quest of mine to heal deep, old wounds. I had started researching psychedelic therapy, which provided me a sense of hope. This proved to be yet another pit full of endless road blocks, frustration and less than 'meh' resources. Big Sigh... On top of all of this, we were still in the process of adopting our son all while my husband was laid off from his job of 25+ years. Not to mention increasing costs and the era of inflation continued to bruise.

Let's just say I was pretty depressed and probably had the most anxiety I have ever experienced in my life. I had committed myself to creating a new collection for a prominent art gallery on the east side and I was simply at a loss creatively and mentally. I barely had any time to create and with my stress level being so high, the art just wasn't happening. I usually create art in an intuitive style, letting the canvas unfold itself layer by layer. In order to work like this, there is a level of relaxation, clarity and a block of time that is mandatory in order to be successful. Working with these new time restraints and my state of mind, it was one sh*t painting after another. Now was the time to strategize and find a way to keep moving forward no matter how "baby" the steps were.

I looked at art on a daily basis and I kept finding myself more and more drawn to the simplest geometric shapes and color combinations; I decided that color was going to be my focus. I made careful selections paying particular attention to the pairings and combinations in relation to the placement on the canvas. The specificity of each chosen color and the color palettes for each piece, including the organization of the colors, was delicately calculated in order to provide the utmost satisfaction. I discovered a harmony and balance that came by honoring complimentary and tertiary colors on the wheel (it's hard to explain but easier to just see in the work). The balance and placement just felt right and calming to me. There was a lot of trial and error when coordinating color palettes, but my confidence in color selection allowed me to get the aesthetics & vibes just right.

The next part of the process was extremely therapeutic and allowed me to adapt and move forward under these unideal conditions: this was the predictability and control I had over the canvas. I had little control over my world and this was a way of having full control in staying within the lines. I craved exactness and certainty- the combination of the tape, X-Acto knife and my new "Hi, I'm in my 40s now" reading glasses were 100% serving me. I enjoyed this new style and felt satisfaction in making the work. Despite being an impatient person, my need for instant gratification was not present during this process. I was, however, so surprised by how long the drying times were in between the three layers of each color applied. The paint needed to be dry enough to place a fresh piece of tape on top to create the crisp lines and took weeks of restraint to allow for this to happen. These pieces look deceivingly easy to make, but the process was more labor intensive and intricate than expected. But in the end the result was bold, confident and beautiful to me!
I was relieved that although this was a much different and slower process than I was used to, it was happening. Sometimes we need to simply crawl an inch a day, but it's better than spinning our wheels and going nowhere. I am still experiencing the difficult things, but this collection and process is getting me through. I hope that this collection and the story behind it resonates with you and that you find comfort within the shapes, color combos, and simplicity.
Here's a lil COLOR KEY for you to review before viewing the pieces to see how purposeful the color combinations are- in meaning and aesthetic :
Pinks & Reds
Represents Love and Passion
Represents Warmth and Happiness
Represents Growth, Prosperity, & Fortune
Represents Peace & Calmness
Black & Gray
Represents Foundation and Stability
Represents Clarity & Purpose
Represents Magic
This is a series of small square resin paintings on canvas with black floating frames included, ready to hang! Enjoy the simultaneous thrill and tranquility that these pieces exude for you and allow for them and their messages to be whatever YOU need in this moment.
Here are some previews of each category within the collection which are all titled based on the energy each color palette radiates!

Introducing the JOY pieces in the collection! The color palettes for this section truly brought me a sense of peace & pleasure.

Obsessed with the Love pieces- the colors, the soft yet comforting energy... Everyone needs love and I think this section is a great symbol of passion.
Blue & Pink Variants

Feelin' lucky or want to feel lucky? These cuties are just for you! There is a sense of charm/magic that this category presents with the color organization. Manifest prosperity daily with the energy in these pieces!

6 mini 3"x3" cubes full of the cheekiest colors and geometric arrangement that gives fun "pinwheel" vibes (kind of reminds me of a carnival?).

These cuties are meant to give calming energy with their soft and easy colors along with the bare wood sides.
This collection is meant to be really personal and an evolving series, so if you want your own/custom color combo or vibe, I can make that for you as well! 🌈 Just email me at to inquire on a custom color therapy piece/pieces.
STAY TUNED for the large versions in this collection!!
